Tony Roberts with Emerson College


The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation Presents



About this interview

In his one-hour interview for the American Comedy Archives at Emerson College, Tony Roberts talks about his early life and growing up around famous people like Zero Mostel, and how that led to his interest in becoming a comedic performer. He describes his comedic influences, including Hiram Sherman, Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, and Milton Berle, with whom he worked in Las Vegas on his first show business job at age 23. Roberts discusses various aspects of being a comedic actor, including doing improv, playing to an audience, and his distaste for television sitcoms. He concludes by outlining the ups and downs of his career, and how he’s enjoyed acting overall. Bill Dana and Jenni Matz conducted the interview on April 8, 2005 in New York, NY.

All views expressed by interviewees are theirs alone and not necessarily those of the Television Academy.

"I have a constant dialogue in my head between the bitter, disappointed resentful me, and what a rotten business it is, versus how lucky I am that I am in this business, and what wonderful people I know as a result of it, and what a great time I've had. I'd have to say that the latter wins out all the time."

People Talking About ...
Tony Roberts on growing up around famous people
Tony Roberts on improv comedy, and on why he avoids watching sitcoms
Tony Roberts on taking chances in comedy, the use of the laugh track, and on Milton Berle
Tony Roberts on how an actor deals with being typecast
Tony Roberts on how he feels about his career
Tony Roberts on how different audiences react to comedy
Full Interview

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Chapter 1

On growing up around famous people, including Zero Mostel; on his early aspirations to be an actor, and on doing dramatic and comedic roles; on the craft of being a straight man, and on his philosophy of comedy
On how different audiences react to comedy; on the comedic actor Hiram Sherman, and on what he learned from him as well as Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and others; on learning comedic technique from Milton Berle, and on farce
On improv comedy, and on why he avoids watching sitcoms; on taking chances in comedy, the use of the laugh track, and on Milton Berle; on working with Woody Allen
On dealing with the peaks and valleys of an actor's career; on an actor dealing with and learning from his audience

Chapter 2

On summing up his career as an actor, and how he has navigated it; on the role agents and managers have played in his career
On how an actor deals with being typecast; on how he feels about his career

Creative Influences and Inspiration

View Topic
Tony Roberts on the comedic actor Hiram Sherman, and on what he learned from him as well as Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and others
Tony Roberts on learning comedic technique from Milton Berle, and on farce

Hollywood Blacklist

View Topic
Tony Roberts on Zero Mostel and the Hollywood Blacklist

Industry Crossroads

View Topic
Tony Roberts on Zero Mostel and the Hollywood Blacklist

Pivotal Career Moments

View Topic
Tony Roberts on the comedic actor Hiram Sherman, and on what he learned from him as well as Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and others
Tony Roberts on learning comedic technique from Milton Berle, and on farce

Television Industry

View Topic
Tony Roberts on Zero Mostel and the Hollywood Blacklist


View Profession
Tony Roberts on the craft of being a straight man, and on his philosophy of comedy
Tony Roberts on dealing with the peaks and valleys of an actor's career
Tony Roberts on an actor dealing with and learning from his audience
Tony Roberts on summing up his career as an actor, and how he has navigated it
Tony Roberts on the role agents and managers have played in his career
Tony Roberts on how an actor deals with being typecast
Tony Roberts on how he feels about his career


View Profession
Tony Roberts on the craft of being a straight man, and on his philosophy of comedy
Tony Roberts on dealing with the peaks and valleys of an actor's career
Tony Roberts on an actor dealing with and learning from his audience
Tony Roberts on summing up his career as an actor, and how he has navigated it
Tony Roberts on the role agents and managers have played in his career
Tony Roberts on how an actor deals with being typecast
Tony Roberts on how he feels about his career

Comedy Series

View Genre
Tony Roberts on learning comedic technique from Milton Berle, and on farce
Tony Roberts on the craft of being a straight man, and on his philosophy of comedy

Milton Berle

View Interview Page
Tony Roberts on learning comedic technique from Milton Berle, and on farce

Woody Allen

View Person Page
Tony Roberts on working with Woody Allen

Zero Mostel

View Person Page
Tony Roberts on Zero Mostel and the Hollywood Blacklist

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