Show Raisin in the Sun, A A Raisin in the Sun is a 2008 television movie directed by Kenny Leon. The teleplay by Paris Qualles is based on the award-winning 1959 play of the same name by Lorraine Hansberry. The film debuted at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival and was broadcast by ABC on February 25, 2008. According to...
Show Barbarians at the Gate From Wikipedia: Barbarians at the Gate is a television movie based upon the book by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar , about the leveraged buyout (LBO) of RJR Nabisco . The film was directed by Glenn Jordan and stars James Garner as F. Ross Johnson , the CEO of R.J.R. Nabisco with plans to buy out...
Show Trilogy Of Terror From Wikipedia: Trilogy of Terror (also known in the United States as Tales of Terror and Terror of the Doll ) is a three part television horror thriller film, first aired on ABC on March 4 , 1975 . The film, directed by Dan Curtis and starring Karen Black in the four lead roles of each chapter,...
Show Farewell to Manzanar Farewell to Manzanar is a 1976 TV movie based on the 1973 memoir by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston. The movie starred Yuki Shimoda, Nobu McCarthy, Pat Morita, and Mako and detailed Houston's family's ordeal in the Manzanar internment camp during World War II. The screenplay was...
Show Elvis: The '68 Comeback Special aka Singer Presents Elvis From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia Elvis, starring Elvis Presley, was the title of a 1968 United States television special. Sponsored by The Singer Sewing Machine Company, it aired on December 3, 1968 on the NBC television network. The special is commonly referred to as the '68 Comeback Special...
Show MacGyver From Wikipedia: MacGyver is an American action/adventure television series created by Lee David Zlotoff and executively produced by Henry Winkler and John Rich that aired on ABC. Seven seasons were produced, all of which were broadcast by American Broadcasting Company Network (ABC) in the United...
Show St. Elsewhere St. Elsewhere was one of the most-acclaimed of the upscale serial dramas to appear in the 1980s. Along with shows like Hill Street Blues , L.A. Law , and thirtysomething , St. Elsewhere was a result of the demographically-conscious programming strategies that had gripped the networks during the...
Show Real People Real People was an NBC reality television series that aired from 1979 to 1984, on Wednesday and then Sunday nights. Its initial episodes aired live in the East. Real People had the format of a comedy talk show taped in front of a large studio audience. Each segment featured a news report consisting...
Show Seinfeld Jerry Seinfeld, American standup comedian and author of the best-selling book SeinLanguage (1993), is now best known as the eponymous hero of Seinfeld , a sitcom that has been a great success for NBC for the last five years. Yet hero, for the show's fans in the US and around the world, is not the...