John Chancellor Joe Behar on working with John Chancellor on Wide Wide World and going on a ski trip together 02:37 Tabs Who talks about this person (active tab) Who talks about this person Joseph BeharView Interview Joe Behar on working with John Chancellor on Wide Wide World and going on a ski trip together 02:37 David BrinkleyView Interview David Brinkley on John Chancellor 01:22 Connie ChungView Interview Connie Chung on covering elections with Tom Brokaw and John Chancellor 00:38 Sam DonaldsonView Interview Sam Donaldson on John Chancellor being arrested on the Republican convention floor in 1964 00:44 Hugh DownsView Interview Hugh Downs on working with John Chancellor in Chicago radio 00:51 Reuven FrankView Interview Reuven Frank on John Chancellor's coverage of the desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, AR for The Huntley-Brinkley Report 07:45 Reuven Frank on dealing with Tom Brokaw, John Chancellor, and Roger Mudd as anchors of NBC Nightly News 04:09 Julian GoodmanView Interview Julian Goodman on the '64 Republican convention 02:27 Lynwood KingView Interview Lynwood King on Dave Garroway being replaced as the host of Today with John Chancellor 03:38 Robert MacNeilView Interview Robert MacNeil on working with John Chancellor at NBC 05:09 Sanford SocolowView Interview Sanford Socolow on John Chancellor getting accosted at the 1964 Democratic National Convention in Chicago 00:42 Barbara WaltersView Interview Barbara Walters on John Chancellor's discomfort as a Today show host 00:38