David Lee The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation Presents 02:26 Tabs About Interviews David Lee Who talks about this person Andy AckermanView Interview Andy Ackerman on being approached to do Frasier with Peter Casey, David Angell, and David Lee 02:09 Glen CharlesView Interview Glen and Les Charles on Peter Casey and David Lee joining the writers' room on Cheers 00:20 Glen and Les Charles on giving their blessing to Frasier, a spin-off of Cheers starring Kelsey Grammer 01:06 Les CharlesView Interview Glen and Les Charles on Peter Casey and David Lee joining the writers' room on Cheers 00:20 Glen and Les Charles on giving their blessing to Frasier, a spin-off of Cheers starring Kelsey Grammer 01:06 Pamela FrymanView Interview Pamela Fryman on working with David Angell, Peter Casey, and David Lee on Frasier 01:04 Steve LevitanView Interview Steve Levitan on pitching a script for Wings to David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee (creators of the show) and being asked to become a staff writer 04:55 Warren LittlefieldView Interview Warren Littlefield on the development and success of Frasier 05:43