Paul Monash Joe Behar on getting to know Atom Squad writer Paul Monash 02:21 Tabs About (active tab) Who talks about this person About Interviews Paul Monash Who talks about this person Joseph BeharView Interview Joe Behar on getting to know Atom Squad writer Paul Monash 02:21 Walter BernsteinView Interview Walter Bernstein on Paul Monash offering to be a "front" for him 00:38 David CanaryView Interview David Canary on working with Paul Monash, producer/director of Peyton Place 00:53 Henry ColmanView Interview Henry Colman on working as an associate producer on Peyton Place 05:00 John FrankenheimerView Interview John Frankenheimer on writers of Playhouse 90 02:42 Lee GrantView Interview Lee Grant on her work on Peyton Place, and on working with producer Paul Monash 02:55 Jeffrey HaydenView Interview Jeffrey Hayden on how Mia Farrow came to impulsively cut her hair short and Paul Monash's solution to the problem on the set of Peyton Place 03:38 Rita LakinView Interview Rita Lakin on becoming a staff writer for Peyton Place, and on producer Paul Monash 05:36 Del ReismanView Interview Del Reisman on Playhouse 90 writers Tad Mosel and Paul Monash 03:18 Del Reisman on being associate producer on Peyton Place for executive producer Paul Monash 04:28 Stanford TischlerView Interview Stanford Tischler on editing Peyton Place and working with writer/producer Paul Monash 00:26