Star Trek: The Animated Series is an animated science fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe following the Star Trek: The Original Series of the 1960s. The animated series was aired under the name Star Trek, but it has become widely known under this longer name (or abbreviated as ST: TAS or TAS) to differentiate it from the original live action Star Trek. The success in syndication of the original live action series and fan pressure for a Star Trek revival led to The Animated Series from 1973-1974, as the source of new adventures of the Enterprise crew, the next being the live-action feature film 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture. TAS was the first Star Trek series to win an Emmy Award.
Created by Gene Roddenberry
Directed by Hal Sutherland
William Shatner
Leonard Nimoy
DeForest Kelley
James Doohan
George Takei
Nichelle Nichols
Majel Barrett
Country of origin United States
No. of episodes 22 (List of episodes)
Executive producer(s)
Gene Roddenberry
D. C. Fontana
Norm Prescott
Lou Scheimer
Running time 30 minutes
Production company(s) Filmation
Norway Productions
Distributor CBS Television Distribution
Original channel NBC
Picture format NTSC 480i
Audio format Monaural
Original run September 8, 1973 – October 12, 1974
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