The Commish is a television series that aired on ABC in the United States from September 28, 1991 to January 11, 1996. The series focused on the work and home life of a suburban police commissioner in upstate New York. The series starred Michael Chiklis as Tony Scali, a former NYPD detective who is now the police commissioner in the small upstate New York town of Eastbridge, and tends to work through problems with humor and creativity more often than with violence or force. Theresa Saldana played Rachel Scali, Tony's wife, and Kaj-Erik Eriksen played their teen-aged son, David. Also living with the family in the first season was Rachel's freeloading brother, Arnie Metzger, played by (David Paymer). A daughter, Sarah, played by twins Justine and Dayna Cornborough, was born to Tony and Rachel in the second season. The show focused as much on family situations as on police drama. The series often dealt with a wide range of topical social issues such as racism, homophobia, drug addiction, disabilities, child abuse, illegal immigrants, and sexual harassment.