Adam-12 is an American television drama which originally aired from September 21, 1968 to August 26, 1975 on NBC for 175 episodes. The show was produced by Jack Webb's Mark VII Limited, which also produced Dragnet and Emergency!. The series was nominally considered a spin-off of Webb's Dragnet 1967–70, and the Reed and Malloy characters appeared on episodes of the parent program (though the actors did appear as different characters on some of the Dragnet episodes).
The program followed the daily activities of a pair of LAPD patrol officers – seven-year veteran officer Peter 'Pete' Malloy (Martin Milner) and rookie officer James 'Jim' Reed (Kent McCord) – and to a lesser extent Sergeant William "Mac" MacDonald (William Boyett). As Los Angeles Police Officers, their noble duty, as identified in writing on their squad car doors was "to Protect and to Serve." Much like Dragnet, the episodes were based on true incidents culled from LAPD case files.
Created by Jack Webb
Martin Milner
Kent McCord
Country of origin United States
Language(s) English
No. of seasons 7
No. of episodes 175
Executive producer(s) Jack Webb
Running time 30 minutes
Original channel NBC
Picture format NTSC
Audio format Monaural sound
Original run September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975
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