Michael Moye on the pilot, initial testing, and network notes for Married...With Children
Michael Moye on FOX executives hating Married...With Children
Michael Moye on "the Rakolta incident" (so called because a woman named Terry Rakolta complained about content on Married...With Children) and FOX withholding fan mail; on subsequent problems with the network
Thomas W. Sarnoff on negotiating land for the NBC production facility in Burbank, CA
Thomas W. Sarnoff on taking a stand about NBC handing show concepts to MCA, which would then be sold back to NBC
Thomas W. Sarnoff on NBC's early dominance of long-form television programming
Fred Silverman on becoming head of daytime programming at CBS in New York and changing and fine-tuning the Saturday morning schedule to "superhero adventure" programs which included Underdog, the animated Superman, Space Ghost, and Mighty Mouse. He describes in detail developing the long-running Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! and other comedy-adventure and "pure-comedy" programs, and touches on developing spin-off concept during this time
Fred Silverman on getting promoted at CBS to Vice President of Planning and Development, and then Vice President of Programming
Fred Silverman on the corporate culture of CBS when he became Vice President of Programming
Fred Silverman on the success of The Waltons, and on "going out in style" if the show hadn't worked, and on how The Waltons and All In The Family were, each in their own way, both about the "sanctity of the family"
Fred Silverman on why he left CBS in 1975, and a brief recap of what had been accomplished during his tenure there
Fred Silverman on "seizing the moment" during his time at President of ABC Entertainment, working with existing shows and developing new ones, on the basis of ABC's appeal, and on Les Moonves
Lauren Zalanzick on diversifying the genres on VH1
Lauren Zalaznick on programming the Trio network
Lauren Zalaznick on what she learned about programming as the head of Trio
Lauren Zalaznick on the challenge of building on the success of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy as head of Bravo, and on shows she programmed early in her tenure there
Lauren Zalaznick on creating a marketing strategy when she started at Bravo, and on creating the logo