Interview Edie Adams In her four-and-a-half-hour interview, Edie Adams (1927-2008) chronicles her long and varied career as a singer and actress. She talks about her appearances as a featured singer with the late Ernie Kovacs, on Ernie in Kovacsland which led to her collaboration with him on his groundbreaking NBC...
Interview Maury Povich In the two-hour solo portion of his interview, Maury Povich talks about his career in radio news before entering the world of television. He describes becoming the long-time host of the show Panorama , anchoring local news in Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and launching the syndicated...
Interview Wink Martindale In his three-and-a-half-hour interview, Wink Martindale talks about his early years and being a DJ in Memphis, TN, where he was the first DJ to play a record by Elvis Presley. He describes hosting several local Memphis television shows like Mars Patrol and Top Ten , as well as making the move to...
Interview Paul LaMastra In his nearly three-hour interview, editor Paul LaMastra describes his early life and education and his stint living in Japan. He recalls working in the sound effects department at Paramount, which led to an apprenticeship on the comedy series Hogan's Heroes . He speaks of a very short stint...
Show 60 Minutes In 1967 Don Hewitt conceived of his new program, 60 Minutes , as a strategy for addressing issues given insufficient time for analysis in two minutes of the Evening News but not deemed significant enough to justify an hour-long documentary. 60 Minutes was born, then, in an environment of management...
Interview Chuck Barris In his two-and-a-half-hour interview, Chuck Barris (1929-2017) chronicles his career from NBC page to novelist. Barris tells how he bluffed his way into the NBC management training program (thanks to some creative and fabricated recommendations from RCA board members), as well as how he started...