Show Doris Day Show, The The Doris Day Show is a 128-episode American television sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS network from September 1968 until September 1973. In addition to showcasing Doris Day, the show is remembered for its many abrupt format changes over the course of its five-year run. It is also...
Interview Julie Ann Johnson In her two-and-a-half-hour interview, Julie Ann Johnson talks about her early years, and her decision to get into stunt work. She recalls working on shows like Petticoat Junction , The Doris Day Show , The Man From U.N.C.L.E ., and Star Trek early in her career. She speaks of the logistics of doing...
Show Jack Benny Program, The Jack Benny was among the most beloved American entertainers of the 20th century. He brought a relationship-oriented, humorously vain persona honed in vaudeville, radio, and film to television in 1950, starring in his own television series from that year until 1965. The comedian grew up in Waukegan...
Show Mike and Buff Mike and Buff was a live 1951-1953 New York-based weeday CBS television talk show hosted by Mike Wallace and his then-wife Buff Cobb. The couple had hosted a similar program on Chicago radio.
Show Race for Space, The David Wolper was interested in producing television documentaries, in 1958 he established Wolper Productions. Working with exclusive Russian space program footage and NASA cinematography of American missile launches, within two years, his first film, The Race for Space , was completed and had...