Show Tracey Ullman Show, The From Wikipedia : The Tracey Ullman Show was a weekly American television variety show, hosted by British comedian and onetime pop singer Tracey Ullman. It debuted on April 5, 1987 as the FOX network's second primetime series (after Married... with Children), and ran until May 26, 1990. Re-runs of...
Show Sonny and Cher Show, The The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour (1971–1974) In 1971, Sonny and Cher had stopped producing hit singles. Cher's first feature film, Chastity (film)|Chastity, was not a success, and the duo decided to sing and tell jokes in nightclubs across the country. CBS head of programming Fred Silverman saw...
Show Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour From Wikipedia: The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour is an American variety show starring American pop-singer Cher and her husband Sonny Bono. The show ran on CBS in the United States, when it premiered in August 1971. The show was canceled May 1974, due to the couple's divorce, though the duo would...
Show Perry Mason Perry Mason is the longest running lawyer show in American television history. Its original run lasted nine years and its success in both syndication and made-for-television movies confirm its impressive stamina. Mason's fans include lawyers and judges who were influenced by this series to enter...
Show Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote , starring Angela Lansbury as amateur sleuth and mystery writer Jessica Fletcher, has been the only significant dramatic series on American television to feature an older woman in the sole leading role. Lansbury, who received Oscar nominations and Tony awards over her long film...
Show Dragnet From the distinctive four-note opening of its theme music to the raft of catch phrases it produced, no other television cop show has left such an indelible mark on American culture as Dragnet . It was the first successful television crime drama to be shot on film and one of the few prime time...
Show Happy Days Happy Days originated in 1974 as a nostalgic teen-populated situation comedy centered on the life of Richie Cunningham ( Ron Howard ) and his best friend Potsie (Anson Williams), both students at Jefferson High School in 1950's Milwaukee Wisconsin. The character, of Arthur Fonzarelli, Fonzie, with...
Show Mork & Mindy From Wikipedia: Mork & Mindy is an American sitcom broadcast from 1978 to 1982 on ABC. It stars Robin Williams as Mork, an extraterrestrial who comes to Earth from the planet Ork in a small, one-Orkan egg-shaped spaceship. Pam Dawber co-stars as Mindy McConnell, his human friend and roommate...
Show Laverne & Shirley Originally introduced as characters on Happy Days , Laverne De Fazio ( Penny Marshall ) and Shirley Feeney ( Cindy Williams ) "schlemiel-schlamazeled" their way into the Tuesday night ABC prime time line up and into the hearts of television viewers in 1976. The show, set in the late 1950s, centered...