Interview Ann Curry In her three-hour interview, Ann Curry talks about her childhood, and the impact her parents had on her worldview and her eventual career path, in particular her father’s advice to pick a career that would allow her to “be of service” to others. She discusses studying journalism at the University...
Show Shield, The On March 12, 2002, the traditional TV cop drama was reinvented when The Shield premiered on FX. Not your typical good cop chasing bad guys show, The Shield featured a cast of morally ambiguous characters who constantly had the viewers asking, “Do the ends justify the means and will good triumph...
Show Tales of Wells Fargo Tales of Wells Fargo was a scripted Western anthology series set in the 1870s and 1880s which starred Dale Robertson as special agent “Jim Hardie.” The traveling detective known as the “Left-handed Gun” went from town to town to protect the stagecoach and freight wagon lines from bandits,...
Show T.J. Hooker T.J. Hooker , a mid-season replacement that premiered on ABC on March 13, 1982, was the last in a string of hits from production company Spelling-Goldberg, owned by Aaron Spelling and Leonard Goldberg . The show premiered in an era when Aaron Spelling shows dominated the airwaves. He had nine...
Show Mark Twain Tonight! Mark Twain Tonight! was a 1967 broadcast of Hal Holbrook ’s acclaimed one-man Broadway show of the same name. In the 90-minute special, Holbrook portrayed the legendary humorist "Mark Twain," pulling directly from his writings to discuss topics like religion, slavery, and politics. The format was...
Interview Jodi Mancuso In her two-hour interview, Jodi Mancuso talks about her early life, and how she followed her mother into a career as a hair stylist. She describes stepping away from hair to raise a child, and eventually going back to it to work on Saturday Night Live . She chronicles the crazy atmosphere during...
Show Veep Veep was a satirical, scripted comedy series that followed the fictitious vice president of the United States, “Selina Meyer,” played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus , and her staff as they navigated the difficult political landscape in Washington, D.C. The show was known for its style of “cringe comedy,” a...
Interview William H. Macy In the two-hour solo portion of his interview, William H. Macy describes studying acting with playwright David Mamet at Goddard College, and goes into detail about the acting method he and Mamet developed together: Practical Aesthetics. He tells the story of co-founding the St. Nicholas Theatre...