Show Petticoat Junction From Wikipedia: Petticoat Junction is an American situation comedy produced by Wayfilms (a joint venture of Filmways Television and Pen-Ten Productions) that originally aired on CBS from September 1963 to April 1970.The series is one of three interrelated shows about rural characters created by...
Show Batman Batman was created by Bob Kane in 1939 as a comic book hero. During his long career he was featured in the Superman radio series and in two movie serials produced during World War II. In 1966 the ABC network decided to produce the first Batman television series and it became an immediate hit...
Show Colt .45 Colt .45 (also known as The Colt Cousins) is a Western series which aired on ABC between 1957 and 1960. The 30 minute show derives from the 1950 Warner Brothers film of the same name starring Randolph Scott and formed part of the William T. Orr-produced "family" of Westerns which Warner produced...