Show Bonanza Bonanza , the first Western televised in color, premiered on a Saturday night in the fall of 1959. After Gunsmoke , Bonanza was the longest-running and most successful Western in U.S. television, airing for fourteen seasons. The series related the story of Ben Cartwright (Lorne Greene) and his...
Show Virginian, The From Wikipedia: The Virginian is a western-themed television series which aired on NBC from 1962 to 1971 for a total of 249 episodes. It was the first western to air in 90-minute installments each week (75 minutes excluding commercial breaks),[citation needed] and was filmed in the color format...
Show Bewitched Bewitched , a fantasy situation comedy featuring the suburban life of a witch housewife married to a mortal, aired on ABC from 1964 to 1972. In its first season, it was the highest rated of all the new series and for its first five seasons, the program found itself consistently in Neilsens' Top...
Show Rifleman, The The Rifleman is an American Western television program that starred Chuck Connors as homesteader Lucas McCain and Johnny Crawford as his son, Mark McCain. It was set in the 1880s in the fictitious town of North Fork, New Mexico Territory. The show, filmed in black-and-white, ran on ABC, from...
Show Real McCoys, The From Wikipedia: The Real McCoys is an American situation comedy co-produced by Danny Thomas's Marterto Productions in association with Walter Brennan and Irving Pincus's Westgate Company. The series aired for six seasons altogether, the first five on the ABC-TV network from 1957 through 1962 and in...
Show Maverick A subversive Western with a dark sense of humour, Maverick soared to sixth place in the Nielsen ratings during its second season with a 30.4 share as well as winning an Emmy Award for Best Western Series in 1959. Starring the then relatively unknown James Garner as footloose frontier gambler Bret...
Show 77 Sunset Strip From Wikipedia: 77 Sunset Strip is an American television private detective series created by Roy Huggins and starring Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Roger Smith and Edd Byrnes. Each episode was one hour long. The show was the subject of an ownership battle between Roy Huggins and Warner Brothers, which was...
Show Cheyenne Cheyenne was the first successful television series to be produced by the motion picture studio, Warner Brothers. Originally one of the three rotating series in the studio's showcase series, Warner Brothers Presents, Cheyenne emerged as the program's breakout hit and helped to fuel ABC's ratings...