Interview Mickey Rooney In his one-hour interview, Mickey Rooney (1920-2014) describes breaking into the business as a child actor and how his name got changed from "Joe Yule" to "Mickey Rooney." He recalls his work in the "Mickey McGuire" film shorts and discusses meeting Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin, and Judy Garland...
Interview Frank Inn In his four-and-a-half-hour interview, Frank Inn (1916-2002) talks about his early years, and his first job on the MGM lot as a laborer. He describes training a dog after a terrible car accident and coming to the attention of Hollywood animal trainer Henry East. He recalls working with animal...
Interview Bernie Brillstein In his nearly four-hour interview, Bernie Brillstein (1931-2008) talks about his experiences growing up in the entertainment world of New York City, and how he eventually landed a job in the mailroom at the William Morris Agency. He discusses his meeting with WMA client Elvis Presley, and fondly...
Interview Isabel Sanford In her two-and-a-half-hour interview, Isabel Sanford (1917-2004) discusses her early years growing up and her entrance into live theatre. She speaks about her move to Los Angeles and her subsequent roles on stage, including The Amen Corner and Funny Girl , as well as her first television...
Interview Richard Crenna In his three-and-a-half-hour interview, Richard Crenna (1926-2003) talks about his early years as a busy radio actor in Hollywood. He speaks fondly about the radio community and his work with some of the top comic talents of the era. Crenna lists his various regular roles in radio including...