Show Mama Mama , which aired from 1949 to 1957 on CBS, proves that television was capable of complex characterizations in the series format even early in its history. A weekly family comedy-drama based on Kathryn Forbes's Mama's Bank Account , as well as its play and film adaptations I Remember Mama , Mama...
Show Philco-Goodyear Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse was one of the most distinguished of the many "live" anthology dramas which aired during the so-called "golden age" of television. The first episode of the Philco program was broadcast over NBC on Sunday evening 3 October 1948 between 9:00 and 10:00 P.M. It remained...
Show Robert Montgomery Presents From Wikipedia: Robert Montgomery Presents is a dramatic television series which was produced by NBC from January 30, 1950 until June 24, 1957. The live show had several sponsors during its seven-year run, and the title was altered to feature the sponsor, usually Lucky Strike cigarettes, for...
Show Admiral Broadway Revue From Wikipedia: Admiral Broadway Revue is an American live television variety show that ran from January 28 to June 3, 1949. The show was broadcast live on Fridays from 8 to 9 pm ET simultaneously on both the NBC and the DuMont networks. The show was telecast from the since-demolished International...
Show Ed Wynn Show, The From Wikipedia: In the 1949-50, Ed Wynn hosted one of the first comedy-variety television shows, on CBS, and won an Emmy Award in 1949. Buster Keaton, Lucille Ball, and The Three Stooges all made guest appearances with Wynn. This was the first CBS variety television show to originate in Los Angeles...
Show Car 54, Where Are You? The comedy series Car 54, Where Are You? involves the adventures of NYPD officers Gunther Toody (Joe E. Ross) and Francis Muldoon (Fred Gwynne) in the fictional 53rd precinct in Bronx, assigned to Patrol Car 54. Toody was short, stocky, nosy, not very bright, and lived with his loud, domineering...