Show George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show , which premiered on 12 October 1950, was one of the first comedy series to make the successful transition from radio to television. Similar to the format of the radio program in which George Burns and Gracie Allen played themselves, the CBS domestic comedy...
Show Amos 'N' Andy Like many of its early television counterparts, the Amos 'n' Andy television program was a direct descendent of the radio show that originated on WMAQ in Chicago on 19 March 1928, and eventually became the longest-running radio program in broadcast history. Amos 'n' Andy was conceived by Freeman...
Show Let's Make a Deal From Wikipedia : Let's Make a Deal is a television game show which originated in the United States and has since been produced in many countries throughout the world. The show is based around deals offered to members of the audience by the host. The contestants usually have to weigh the possibility...
Show You Bet Your Life From Wikipedia: You Bet Your Life is an American radio and television quiz show. The first and most famous version was hosted by Groucho Marx, of Marx Brothers fame, with the unflappable announcer and assistant George Fenneman. The show debuted on ABC radio in 1947, then moved to CBS in 1949 before...
Show Bob Hope Specials In 1953, NBC broadcast the first annual Bob Hope Christmas Special . These specials were usually filmed during Hope's regular tour to entertain the troops overseas. He also began a series of comedy specials for NBC-TV where he became known for his marvelous comic timing, his stunning array of guest...
Show Queen for a Day From Wikipedia : Queen for a Day is an American radio and television show which helped to usher in American listeners' and viewers' fascination with big-prize giveaway shows when it was born on radio (1945–1957), before moving to television (1956–1964). The series is considered a forerunner of...
Show George Gobel Show, The From Wikipedia: In 1954 George Gobel began a television series on NBC, a comedy show that showcased Gobel's quiet, homespun style of humor, a low-key alternative to what audiences had seen on Milton Berle's shows. A huge success, the popular series made the crewcut Gobel one of the biggest comedy...