Show Interns, The From Wikipedia: The Interns is an American medical drama series that aired on CBS from 1970 to 1971. It was based on the 1962 film "The Interns" and the 1964 sequel "The New Interns." The stories centered on the activities of Dr. Peter Goldstone (Broderick Crawford) and five medical interns at New...
Show CBS Reports: "The Selling of the Pentagon" The Selling of the Pentagon , was an important documentary aired in primetime on CBS on 23 February 1971. The aim of this film, produced by Peter Davis, was to examine the increasing utilization and cost to the taxpayers of public relations activities by the military-industrial complex in order to...
Show CBS Reports From Wikipedia: CBS Reports is the umbrella title used for documentaries by CBS News which aired starting in 1959 through the 1990s. The series sometimes aired as a wheel series rotating with 60 Minutes (or other similar CBS News series), as a series of its own or as specials. The program aired as...
Show Dark Shadows This enormously popular half-hour gothic soap opera aired on ABC-TV from 1966 until 1971, and showcased a panoply of supernatural characters including vampires, werewolves, warlocks, and witches. During its initial run, the series spawned two feature-length motion pictures, House Of Dark Shadows (...
Show Big Bang Theory, The From Wikipedia: The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show, along with Steve Molaro, who is also one of the head writers. It premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007. Set in Pasadena, California, the show is...
Show Donna Reed Show, The The Donna Reed Show is an American sitcom starring Donna Reed as the upper middle class housewife Donna Stone. Carl Betz appears as her pediatrician husband Alex, and Shelley Fabares and Paul Petersen as their teenage children Mary and Jeff. The show originally aired on ABC at 10 pm from September...
Show Bold Ones, The From Wikipedia: The Bold Ones is the umbrella title for several television series. It was produced by Universal Television and broadcast on NBC from 1969 to 1973. It was a wheel format series, an NBC programming approach also used by that network in series such as The Name of the Game and the NBC...