Show Thirtysomething Winner of an Emmy for best dramatic series in 1988, thirtysomething (ABC, 1987-1991) represented a new kind of hour-long drama, a series which focused on the domestic and professional lives of a group of young urban professionals-- a socio-economic category of increasing interest to the television...
Show Martin Kane, Private Eye From Wikipedia: Martin Kane, Private Eye was an American radio series and television crime series sponsored by United States Tobacco Company. It aired as a radio series from 1949 to 1952 and was simultaneously also a TV series around the same time, until 1954. Martin Kane, Private Eye began as a...
Show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia From Wikipedia: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is an American sitcom that premiered on FX on August 4, 2005. New episodes continue to air on FX, with reruns playing on Comedy Central, general broadcast syndication, and WGN America—the first cable-to-cable syndication deal for a sitcom. The show...
Show Barney Blake, Police Reporter From Wikipedia: Barney Blake, Police Reporter is an American crime drama that aired live on NBC from April 22, 1948 to July 8, 1948. NBC claimed it was the first mystery series to air on TV. The program was canceled after thirteen weeks by its sponsor American Tobacco Company.
Show Run For Your Life From Wikipedia: Run for Your Life is an American television drama series starring Ben Gazzara as a man with only a short time to live. It ran on NBC from 1965 to 1968. The series was created by Roy Huggins , who had previously explored the "man on the move" concept with The Fugitive . On the series...
Show America: A Tribute to Heroes From Wikipedia: America: A Tribute to Heroes was a benefit concert created by the heads of the four major American broadcast networks; Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS. Joel Gallen was selected by them to produce and run the show. Actor George Clooney organized celebrities to perform and to man the telephone...
Show Charles in Charge From Wikipedia: Charles in Charge is an American sitcom starring Scott Baio. The series aired for a total of 126 episodes over five seasons and featured Baio in his second leading role; he had previously played Chachi Arcola on the sitcom Joanie Loves Chachi and had originated the role on Happy...
Show Heathcliff & The Catillac Cats From Wikipedia Heathcliff (also known as Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats ) is an animated television series that debuted on September 5, 1984.It was the second series based on the Heathcliff comic strip and was produced by DIC Entertainment. It ran in syndication until 1988 with a total of 86...
Show Toma From Wikipedia: Toma is an American crime drama series that ran on ABC in 1973 and 1974. The series stars Tony Musante and Susan Strasberg and was based on the real-life story and published biography of Newark, New Jersey, police detective David Toma. Toma had compiled an amazing arrest record...