Show Irwin Shaw's Rich Man, Poor Man One of the first American television miniseries, Rich Man, Poor Man aired on ABC from 1 February to 15 March 1976. Adapted from the best-selling 1970 Irwin Shaw novel, Rich Man, Poor Man was a limited twelve-part dramatic series consisting of six two-hour prime-time made for television movies. The...
Show Ripley's Believe It or Not From Wikipedia: Ripley's Believe It or Not! is a documentary television series based on the newspaper feature that aired in three incarnations. The first Believe It or Not TV series, a live show hosted by Robert L. Ripley, premiered on NBC television March 1, 1949. Shortly after the 13th episode,...
Show Ugly Betty From Wikipedia Ugly Betty is an American comedy-drama television series developed by Silvio Horta, which premiered on ABC on September 28, 2006, and ended on April 14, 2010. It revolves around the character Betty Suarez who, despite her lack of style, lands a job at a prestigious fashion magazine...
Show Tortellis, The From Wikipedia: The Tortellis is an American sitcom that aired from January to May 1987 on NBC. The first spin-off of Cheers , The Tortellis stars Dan Hedaya and Jean Kasem. Synopsis: Hedaya and Kasem had appeared on Cheers on several occasions as Nick and Loretta Tortelli, who were (respectively)...
Show Amazing Race, The The winner of fifteen Primetime Emmy Awards (as of May 2019), the globe-trotting competition show The Amazing Race is one of the most popular and longest-running programs of the reality show craze of the early 2000s. Each season of the show typically features eleven teams of two racing to different...
Show Web Therapy From Wikipedia: Web Therapy is an improvised online (and later, television) series starring Lisa Kudrow as "Fiona Wallice," a therapist who has conceived of a new form of therapy: the titular "web therapy". "Fiona Wallice" is a therapist who has conceived of a new "modality" of therapy: the titular...
Show Family Law From Wikipedia: Family Law is an American television drama starring Kathleen Quinlan as divorced lawyer Lynn Holt, who attempted to start her own law firm after her husband left both her and their law practice, taking all of their clients with him. The series aired on CBS from 1999 to 2002 and was...
Show See How They Run From Wikipedia: See How They Run is a 1964 chase film broadcast on NBC. It is generally regarded as the first movie made for television. Plot: Three orphans head for the US, unknowingly carrying important evidence pointing to the existence of a corrupt international cartel, which has just murdered...
Show View, The From Wikipedia: The View is an American talk show broadcast on American Broadcasting Company as part of ABC Daytime . Created by Barbara Walters and Bill Geddie , who both also serve as the show's executive producers , the program features a panel of women as co-hosts. Currently, Whoopi Goldberg...
Show ABC Afterschool Specials From Wikipedia: The ABC Afterschool Special is an American television anthology series that aired on ABC from October 14, 1972 to July 1, 1997, usually in the late afternoon on week days. Most episodes were dramatically presented situations, often controversial, of interest to children and...