Show Bugs Bunny Show, The On October 11, 1960, ABC debuted the prime-time television program The Bugs Bunny Show . The show was developed for television after ABC President Ollie Treyz learned that WGN Chicago enjoyed ratings success by airing Bugs Bunny cartoons in prime-time. ABC promptly purchased all Warner Brothers...
Show Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The long-running late night program, the Tonight Show was the first, and for decades the most-watched, network talk program on television. Since 1954 NBC has aired a number of versions of the show which has, as of the mid-1990s, seen four principle hosts and one consistent format except for a brief...
Show United States Steel Hour, The The series originated on radio as Theatre Guild of the Air. The hour-long television version aired from 1953 to 1955 on ABC, and from 1955 to 1963 on CBS. Like its radio predecessor, it was a live dramatic anthology series. During its first season on television, the program alternated bi-weekly...
Show Cisco Kid, The From Wikipedia: The Cisco Kid is a half-hour American Western television series starring Duncan Renaldo in the title role, The Cisco Kid, and Leo Carrillo as the jovial sidekick, Pancho. Cisco and Pancho were technically desperados, wanted for unspecified crimes, but instead viewed by the poor as...
Show Dennis Day Show. The From Wikipedia: The Dennis Day Show is an American comedy/variety show that aired from 1953 to 1954 on NBC. The series stars singer and radio and television personality Dennis Day, whose career otherwise was rooted as a supporting cast member of the long-running The Jack Benny Program on CBS and...
Show Bob Hope Presents Chrysler Theatre From Wikipedia: Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre is an American anthology series, sponsored by Chrysler Corporation, which ran on NBC from 1963 through 1967. The show was hosted by Bob Hope, but it had a variety of formats, including musical, dramatic, and comedy. The program included such...
Show Jim Henson's Muppet Babies From Wikipedia: Jim Henson's Muppet Babies (also known as simply Muppet Babies) is an American animated television series that aired from September 15, 1984 to November 2, 1991 on CBS. The show portrays childhood versions of the Muppets living together in a large nursery in the care of a human...