Show Jonathan Winters Show, The (1956-57) From Wikipedia: The Jonathan Winters Show is the first of two American television network Variety show television programs to be hosted by comedian Jonathan Winters. The television series was broadcast from October 1956 to June 1957 on NBC. This Jonathan Winters Show was aired at the beginning of...
Show Adam-12 Adam-12 is an American television drama which originally aired from September 21, 1968 to August 26, 1975 on NBC for 175 episodes. The show was produced by Jack Webb's Mark VII Limited, which also produced Dragnet and Emergency!. The series was nominally considered a spin-off of Webb's Dragnet 1967...
Show Garroway at Large Garroway at Large was the definitive program series emanating from the Chicago School of Television during the late 1940s and early 1950s. An intimate, low-budget musical variety program, this critically acclaimed series allowed its host, Dave Garroway, to wander the NBC studio "at large" during...
Show Bob Cummings Show, The aka Love That Bob From Wikipedia : The Bob Cummings Show (also known as Love That Bob ) is an American television sitcom which was produced from 1955 to 1959, and originally sponsored by R.J. Reynolds' Winston cigarettes. The program began with a half-season run on NBC, then ran for two full seasons on CBS, and...
Show Practice, The (1997-2004) From Wikipedia: The Practice is an American legal drama created by David E. Kelley centering on the partners and associates at a Boston law firm. Running for eight seasons on ABC from 1997 to 2004, the show won the Emmy in 1998 and 1999 for Best Drama Series, and spawned the successful and lighter...
Show Boston Legal From Wikipedia: Boston Legal is an American legal drama-comedy (dramedy) created by David E. Kelley, which originally ran on ABC from October 3, 2004 to December 8, 2008. A spin-off of the long-running series The Practice , Boston Legal followed the personal and professional exploits of a group of...
Show Danny Kaye Show, The The Danny Kaye Show , which premiered on 25 September 1963, was designed as a showcase for the multi-talented entertainer who, before appearing on television, was already a veteran of the vaudeville circuit, the Broadway stage, film, radio, and nightclubs. The variety series was not Kaye's first...
Show Ron Howard's Skyward Skyward is a 1980 television movie directed by Ron Howard, written by Nancy Sackett from a story by Anson Williams, and starring silver screen legend Bette Davis. The TV movie depicts Davis as a flight instructor who teaches a disabled girl (Suzy Gilstrap) how to fly.
Show Welcome Back, Kotter Welcome Back Kotter is situation comedy which ran on ABC from September 9, 1975 to June 8, 1979. Based on the autobiographical stand-up routine of comedian Gabriel Kaplan, the series focus on Gabe Kotter, a wisecracking teacher who returns to his high school alma mater—the fictional James Buchanan...