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Displaying 55951 - 55965 of 55981
Lesley Stahl on the jobs women had at NBC News when she started in 1967
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Women
Lesley Stahl on getting hired at CBS' Washington D.C. news bureau, and how affirmative action played a part in her hiring
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Women
Lesley Stahl on being told to re-do an on-camera piece without smiling (to exude more authority) while a correspondent for CBS in Washington in the 1970s
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Women
Lesley Stahl on being assigned the "unimportant" Watergate break-in story as a rookie reporter and what a break it was for her career
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Richard M. Nixon
Lesley Stahl on encountering sexism within news crews when she was a rookie reporter for CBS in Washington D.C. in the 1970s
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Women
Lesley Stahl on consciously trying to convey authority as a reporter
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Women
Lesley Stahl on the personal toll of covering the White House as a correspondent
Lesley Stahl on how she found the Reagan Administration less "emotional" than the Carter Administration as CBS' White House Correspondent
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Ronald Reagan
Lesley Stahl on memorable interviews she did on Face the Nation, including George Schultz and Margaret Thatcher during the Iran Contra Scandal
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Ronald Reagan
Lesley Stahl on women in broadcast journalism during her day
Interview: Lesley Stahl Topic: Women
Lesley Stahl on tenacity in journalism
Lesley Stahl on consciously trying to convey authority as a reporter
Lesley Stahl on her interviewing style
Lesley Stahl on the personal toll of covering the White House as a correspondent
Lesley Stahl on how the resistance of the Carter Administration to her becoming CBS White House correspondent ended up working in her favor in terms of developing richer contacts