Show Nip/Tuck From Wikipedia : Nip/Tuck is an American television drama series created by Ryan Murphy and broadcast on FX Networks. The show is set at the McNamara/Troy plastic surgery practice, and follows the professional and personal lives of its owners, Dr. Sean McNamara and Dr. Christian Troy (played by...
Show American Horror Story From Wikipedia: American Horror Story is an American horror television series created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. Described as an anthology series, each season is conceived as a self-contained miniseries, following a disparate set of characters and settings, and a storyline with...
Interview Eryn Krueger Mekash In her four-hour-interview, Eryn Krueger Mekash discusses how she became interested in makeup and effects as a child. She talks about attending Sandy Burman's makeup effects school and what she learned from taking a Dick Smith course and Michael Westmore workshop. She outlines her time working for...