Show Gloria From Wikipedia: Gloria is an American sitcom that lasted one season on CBS, from September 1982 to September 1983. It stars Sally Struthers, reprising her role as Gloria Bunker Stivic, the daughter of Archie Bunker on the hugely successful 1970s sitcom All in the Family . Gloria was a spin-off of...
Show One Day at a Time (1975-84) Though the series was created by Whitney Blake (formerly an actress on TV's Hazel ), One Day at a Time definitely showed the imprint of Norman Lear, its powerhouse producer. The series, like other Lear comedies, strove to be topical, progressive, even controversial, and to mix serious issues with...
Show Three's Company Three's Company , an enormously popular yet critically despised sitcom farce about a young man living platonically with two young women, aired on ABC from 1977-84. After a spring try-out of six episodes beginning Thursday, 15 March 1977, Three's Company ranked number 11 among all TV shows for the...
Show Golden Girls, The The opening line of the popular song "Thank You for Being a Friend" not only became the weekly thematic prelude to the situation comedy, The Golden Girls , it also came to represent the sensibility which sprang from the heart of this delightful program. With The Golden Girls NBC brought to...
Show Good Times Evictions, gang warfare, financial problems, muggings, rent parties and discrimination were frequent themes of the television program Good Times , that aired on CBS Television from February 1974 to August 1979. The program was created by Norman Lear and Bud Yorkin. This highly successful team of...
Show Benson Benson premiered in August 1979 on ABC, a spin-off of the popular program, Soap, which ran from 1977 to 1981. Robert Guillaume resumed the title role in the new series joining a new cast of characters and moving from the home of a wealthy (if utterly absurd) family to a butler's position in a...
Show Baryshnikov on Broadway Baryshnikov on Broadway was a 1980 one-hour ABC special. Mikhail Baryshnikov and his guests (Nell Carter, Liza Minnelli) performed numbers from Broadway musicals, including: Oklahoma!, Fiddler on the Roof, Can-Can, The King and I, Cabaret, Where's Charley, Hello Dolly, Ain't Misbehavin', Guys and...