Topic War on Terror Interviewees discuss the Iraq War a.k.a "The War on Terror" (2001- ) and its coverage on television.
Show Doctors, The From Wikipedia: The Doctors is an American television soap opera which aired on NBC Daytime from April 1, 1963, to December 31, 1982. There were 5280 episodes produced, with the 5000th episode airing in November 1981. The series was set in Hope Memorial Hospital in the fictional "Madison," located...
Show Guiding Light By the 1951-52 television season, broadcasters had demonstrated television's ability to attract daytime audiences, principally through the variety-talk format. CBS led the way in adapting the radio serial to television, introducing four daytime serials. The success of three of them, Search for...
Show Young and the Restless, The The Young and the Restless is an American television soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell for CBS. The show is set in a fictional Wisconsin town called Genoa City, which is unlike and unrelated to the real life village of the same name, Genoa City, Wisconsin. First broadcast...
Show One Life to Live From Wikipedia : One Life to Live (abbreviated as OLTL ) is an American television soap opera broadcast for more than 43 years on the ABC network, from July 15, 1968, to January 13, 2012. Created by Agnes Nixon, the series was the first daytime drama to primarily feature ethnically and...