Show Southland From Wikipedia: Southland is an American television crime drama series created by writer Ann Biderman and produced by Warner Bros. Television. It originally aired on NBC for one season from April 9 to May 21, 2009, and then on TNT for four additional seasons from March 2, 2010, to April 17, 2013...
Show Alfred Hitchcock Presents aka The Alfred Hitchcock Hour From Wikipedia: Alfred Hitchcock Presents is an American television anthology series hosted by Alfred Hitchcock, which aired on CBS and NBC between 1955 and 1965. It featured dramas, thrillers, and mysteries. By the time it premiered on October 2, 1955, Hitchcock had been directing films for over...
Show Beverly Hills, 90210 Despite a slow start in its inaugural season on FOX in fall, 1990, Beverly Hills, 90210 quickly became an important fixture on the network and in the popular discourse of adolescents and young adults. In that first season the show's main characters, Dylan, Kelly, Donna, Steve, David, Andrea and...
Show Central Park West From Wikipedia: Central Park West (also known as CPW ) is an American prime time television soap opera that ran from September 1995 to June 1996 on CBS. The series was created and executive produced by Darren Star . As the title suggests, CPW was set in New York, in the affluent Central Park West...
Show Younger From Wikipedia: Younger is an American single-camera comedy-drama television series based on the Pamela Redmond Satran novel of the same name, created and produced by Darren Star . The series stars Sutton Foster as the lead character, with Debi Mazar, Miriam Shor, Nico Tortorella, Hilary Duff,...
Show CSI: Cyber From Wikipedia: CSI: Cyber ( Crime Scene Investigation: Cyber ) is an American police procedural drama television series that premiered on March 4, 2015, on CBS. The series, starring Patricia Arquette, and Ted Danson, is the second spin-off of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and the fourth series in...
Show Late Late Show, The From Wikipedia: The Late Late Show is an American late-night television talk and variety show on CBS. It first aired in January 1995, with host Tom Snyder, followed by Craig Kilborn and Craig Ferguson. It is currently hosted by James Corden. The show originates from CBS Television City in Los...
Show Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The From Wikipedia: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is an American late-night talk show hosted by Stephen Colbert, which premiered on September 8, 2015. Produced by Spartina Productions and CBS Television Studios, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is the second iteration of CBS's long-running Late...
Show American Experience From Wikipedia: American Experience is a television program airing on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Public television stations in the United States. The program airs documentaries, many of which have won awards, about important or interesting events and people in American history. A...