Show Alcoa Premiere From Wikipedia: Alcoa Premiere (also known as Premiere, Presented by Fred Astaire ) is an American anthology drama series that aired from October 1961 to July 1963 on ABC. The series was hosted by Fred Astaire, directed by Norman Lloyd among others, and executive produced by Alfred Hitchcock...
Show Felony Squad From Wikipedia: Felony Squad is a half-hour television crime drama originally broadcast on the ABC network from September 12, 1966, to January 31, 1969, a span encompassing seventy-three episodes. The program starred Howard Duff (as Sergeant Sam Stone) and Dennis Cole (as Detective Jim Briggs) as...
Show Joe Forrester From Wikipedia: Joe Forrester (1975–1976) is an American Crime/Drama TV series, starring Lloyd Bridges as a uniformed foot patrol officer in a run-down neighborhood of Los Angeles. Patricia Crowley co-starred as Georgia Cameron, Joe's romantic interest. Former NYPD Detective Eddie Egan played Sgt...
Show David Cassidy: Man Undercover From Wikipedia: David Cassidy: Man Undercover (the word "undercover" in the series title appeared at various times written as one word or two) was an American police drama starring David Cassidy, four years after his run starring in the The Partridge Family , marking his first starring role since...
Show Quark From Wikipedia: Quark is an American science fiction situation comedy starring Richard Benjamin broadcast on NBC. The pilot first aired on May 7, 1977, and the series followed as a mid-season replacement in February 1978. The series was cancelled in April 1978. Quark was created by Buck Henry , co-...
Show Gibbsville From Wikipedia: Gibbsville is a 1976 United States dramatic television series starring John Savage and Gig Young which centered on the activities of two reporters for a newspaper in a small Pennsylvania town in the 1940s. It aired from November 11 to December 30, 1976. In the 1940s, Jim Malloy...
Show Lindbergh Kidnapping Case, The From Wikipedia: The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case is a 1976 American television film dramatisation of the Lindbergh kidnapping. It was directed by Buzz Kulik and stars Cliff DeYoung, Anthony Hopkins, Martin Balsam and Joseph Cotten. The production was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Motion...
Show Killers, The From Wikipedia: The Killers – which was intended to be one of the first "made-for-TV movies" – was filmed under the title Johnny North , – but NBC judged it too violent to broadcast, so Universal released the film theatrically instead. The Killers , released in the UK as Ernest Hemingway's "The...
Show Who Said That? From Wikipedia: Who Said That? is a 1947-55 NBC radio-television game show, in which a panel of celebrities attempts to determine the speaker of a quotation from recent news reports. The series was first proposed and edited by Fred W. Friendly, later of CBS News . Who Said That? began in 1947 as an...