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Displaying 55756 - 55770 of 55896
Ron Howard on Arrested Development's Emmy win for Outstanding Comedy Series
Interview: Ron Howard Topic: Television Industry
Ron Howard on his significant part on the General Electric Theater episode "Mr. O'Malley," which led to his casting on The Andy Griffith Show
Ron Howard on accepting a role in the pilot of Happy Days (aired as an episode of Love, American Style) to avoid the Vietnam War draft
Ron Howard on landing a bit on The Red Skelton Show, launching his TV career
Ron Howard on how he came to be cast as a child actor on Playhouse 90
Interview: Ron Howard Show: Playhouse 90
Ron Howard on a mistake he made on live TV as a child actor on Playhouse 90
Interview: Ron Howard Show: Playhouse 90
Ron Howard on appearing as a child actor on The Twilight Zone episode "Walking Distance"
Interview: Ron Howard Show: Twilight Zone, The
Ron Howard on appearing as one of the gang of kids on Dennis the Menace and the network's attempts to make star Jay North's hair match the comic strip
Interview: Ron Howard Show: Dennis the Menace
Ron Howard on his significant part on the General Electric Theater episode "Mr. O'Malley," which led to his casting on The Andy Griffith Show
Ron Howard on acting in front of a live audience for the pilot of The Andy Griffith Show, that appeared as an episode of The Danny Thomas Show
Ron Howard on acting in front of a live audience for the pilot of The Andy Griffith Show, that appeared as an episode of The Danny Thomas Show
Ron Howard on his parents' talks with him regarding his acting commitments as a child star of The Andy Griffith Show
Ron Howard on how he learned cursive writing so that he could sign autographs
Ron Howard on how his father served as his acting coach
Ron Howard on how the tone of The Andy Griffith Show was set by Andy Griffith's his approach to comedy