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Displaying 47491 - 47505 of 55400
Carroll Pratt on providing a laugh track for Barney Miller, The Love Boat, Mork & Mindy, Eight is Enough, Taxi, and Benson
Interview: Carroll Pratt Genre: Comedy Series
Carroll Pratt on providing a laugh track for Soap, which proved a challenge as the show was a soap opera parody, and on providing laugh tracks for Kate & Allie, and Family Ties
Interview: Carroll Pratt Genre: Comedy Series
Carroll Pratt on the challenge of providing laugh tracks for animated series
Interview: Carroll Pratt Genre: Animation
Carroll Pratt on providing sports sound effects
Interview: Carroll Pratt Genre: Sports
Carroll Pratt on the most common plot lines for situation comedies
Interview: Carroll Pratt Genre: Comedy Series
Carroll Pratt on the kind of equipment he used in sound mixing in the early years, and on the professionals he collaborated with
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Professionals
Carroll Pratt on the kind of equipment he used in sound mixing in the early years, and on the professionals he collaborated with
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Mixer
Carroll Pratt on the "laugh machine"
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Professionals
Carroll Pratt on the "laugh machine"
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Mixer
Carroll Pratt on the mechanics of the laugh track and how it worked
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Professionals
Carroll Pratt on the mechanics of the laugh track and how it worked
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Mixer
Carroll Pratt on tailoring a laugh track to a show, using M*A*S*H as an example
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Professionals
Carroll Pratt on tailoring a laugh track to a show, using M*A*S*H as an example
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Mixer
Carroll Pratt on recording audiences for laugh tracks in the early days, and on working with the audience to get reactions
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Professionals
Carroll Pratt on recording audiences for laugh tracks in the early days, and on working with the audience to get reactions
Interview: Carroll Pratt Profession: Sound Mixer