The Many Roles of Judith Light

Perhaps you know her as "Shelley Pfefferman" on Transparent, as "Angela Bower" on Who's The Boss?, or as "Karen Wolek" on One Life to Live. Or maybe you recognize her from her stage work in "Wit" or "Other Desert Cities." Judith Light has quite the acting resume, and we were happy to delve into all of it in her recent Archive interview.
She shares memories of her childhood in Trenton, talks about her struggles as a young actress trying to find her way, and details her career-changing role as "Karen Wolek" on One Life to Live:
Light discusses her time on the hit sitcom Who's The Boss? and describes her current role on the Amazon series Transparent:
She also talks about her roles in Ugly Betty and Dallas, her work in many TV movies over the years (including The Ryan White Story), and speaks about her experiences on stage. You'll want to check out her advice to aspiring actors, too.
Watch Judith Light's full interview here and you can watch her in the season 2 premiere of Transparent on Amazon Prime (full season out December 11th)!