Robert Schuller

Religious Broadcaster

The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation Presents



About this interview

In his two-hour interview, Dr. Robert Schuller (1926-2015) describes his early years growing up poor on a farm in Iowa. He talks about his calling to religion and his eventual move to California. He discusses the formation of the Garden Grove Community Church, where he preached to his congregants gathered at a drive-in movie theater. He describes the growth of the church, and his eventual foray into television on Hour of Power. He discusses the format of the program, his messages, and how the show eventually garnered worldwide distribution. He also speaks of the impact that the PTL scandals had on his ministry and on religious broadcasting as a whole. Karen Herman conducted the interview on November 14, 2003 at the Crystal Cathedral Gardens in Garden Grove, CA.

All views expressed by interviewees are theirs alone and not necessarily those of the Television Academy.

"You can always know what a preacher's weakness is by what he's preaching about all the time. I am preaching to people who need to be encouraged. I'm preaching to me."

People Talking About ...
Robert Schuller on his early Hour of Power  telecasts and his wife's involvement in the show
Robert Schuller on Billy Graham's influence on him to get into television
Robert Schuller on his drive-in church
Robert Schuller on how the 1987 Jim Bakker scandal impacted his Hour of Power  ministry
Robert Schuller on why it was important for him to get into television
Full Interview

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Chapter 1

On his early life and influences; on his interests growing up; on hearing "his calling" to the ministry and studying psychology in college
On learning how to communicate with the masses; on deciding to establish his ministry in California and his drive-in church; on getting the finances for the first telecasts of his services which would become his Hour of Power series

Chapter 2

On Billy Graham's influence on him to get into television and why television was important to him; on his early televised church services and his television audience; on the correspondence he received from his audience over the years
On his early Hour of Power  telecasts and his wife's involvement in the show; on the format of Hour of Power;  on preparing for Hour of Power  and talking about world events and politics on the show

Chapter 3

On how television has changed society; on expanding his Hour of Power  television ministry nationally and internationally; on the Hour of Power  expanding into Russia and meeting Mikhail Gorbachev
On how the 1987 Jim Bakker scandal impacted his Hour of Power  ministry; on the Crystal Cathedral from which is Hour of Power  then-emanated; on the then-future of Hour of Power

Chapter 4

Full Chapter Four

Hour of Power

View Show Page
Robert Schuller on getting the idea to televise his services which would become his Hour of Power series
Robert Schuller on getting the finances for the first telecasts of his services which would become his Hour of Power series
Robert Schuller on his early Hour of Power telecasts and his wife's involvement in the show
Robert Schuller on the format of Hour of Power
Robert Schuller on preparing for Hour of Power and talking about world events and politics on the show
Robert Schuller on dealing with Civil Rights and racism on Hour of Power
Robert Schuller on expanding his Hour of Power  television ministry nationally and internationally
Robert Schuller on Hour of Power  expanding into Russia and meeting Mikhail Gorbachev
Robert Schuller on how the 1987 Jim Bakker scandal impacted his Hour of Power  ministry
Robert Schuller on the Crystal Cathedral from which is Hour of Power  then-emanated
Robert Schuller on the then-future of Hour of Power

Civil Rights Movement

View Topic
Robert Schuller on dealing with Civil Rights and racism on Hour of Power

Cold War

View Topic
Robert Schuller on Hour of Power  expanding into Russia and meeting Mikhail Gorbachev

Creative Influences and Inspiration

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Robert Schuller on Billy Graham's influence on him to get into television
Robert Schuller on Billy Graham's influence on him to get into television

Criticism of TV

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Robert Schuller on how television has changed society

Historic Events and Social Change

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Robert Schuller on dealing with Civil Rights and racism on Hour of Power
Robert Schuller on Hour of Power  expanding into Russia and meeting Mikhail Gorbachev

Pivotal Career Moments

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Robert Schuller on hearing "his calling" to the ministry 
Robert Schuller on Billy Graham's influence on him to get into television

Representation on Television

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Robert Schuller on dealing with Civil Rights and racism on Hour of Power

Television Industry

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Robert Schuller on how television has changed society

Underrepresented Voices

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Robert Schuller on dealing with Civil Rights and racism on Hour of Power


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Robert Schuller on Hour of Power  expanding into Russia and meeting Mikhail Gorbachev

Religious Programming

View Genre
Robert Schuller on his Hour of Power  television ministry (Part 1)
Robert Schuller on his Hour of Power television ministry (Part 2)
Robert Schuller on his Hour of Power television ministry (Part 3)

Billy Graham

View Person Page
Robert Schuller on Billy Graham's influence on him to get into television

Jim Bakker

View Person Page
Robert Schuller on how the 1987 Jim Bakker scandal impacted his Hour of Power  ministry

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