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Displaying 1786 - 1800 of 56249
Cokie Roberts on how the emergence of new media has impacted television news, and on Donald J. Trump's tweets
Interview: Cokie Roberts Topic: New Media
Cokie Roberts on how the emergence of new media has impacted television news, and on covering Donald J. Trump's tweets and lies
Cokie Roberts on how the emergence of new media has impacted television news, and on covering Donald J. Trump's tweets and lies
Interview: Cokie Roberts Topic: Donald J. Trump
Cokie Roberts on the then current biggest challenge facing the news media
Cokie Roberts on how opportunities for females have changed in the television news industry since she started
Cokie Roberts on how opportunities for females have changed in the television news industry since she started
Cokie Roberts on how opportunities for females have changed in the television news industry since she started
Interview: Cokie Roberts Topic: Women
Cokie Roberts on how technological advances have changed the television news industry, and on challenges it presents
Cokie Roberts on appearing on the PBS series The Lawmakers and being a contributor to The MacNeil/Lehrer Report
Cokie Roberts on what she learned from David Brinkley during her time on This Week with David Brinkley, and on the challenges of becoming anchor of This Week with Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts
Cokie Roberts on her decision to become a journalist, and on early local shows she worked on
Cokie Roberts on her decision to become a journalist, and on early local shows she worked on
Interview: Cokie Roberts Profession: Correspondent
Cokie Roberts on concerns about her impartiality as a journalist with family members in Congress
Cokie Roberts on concerns about her impartiality as a journalist with family members in Congress
Interview: Cokie Roberts Profession: Correspondent
Cokie Roberts on how her family background in politics helped her when she began covering Congress, and how coverage of Congress has changed