Dwight D. Eisenhower The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation Presents 02:26 Tabs Who talks about this person Ted BergmannView Interview Ted Bergmann on McCann Erickson's TV program for President Eisenhower's birthday 01:12 Nick ClooneyView Interview Nick Clooney on representing WDEL at a Dwight D. Eisenhower press conference 00:35 John ConteView Interview John Conte on his local station, KMIR, becoming an NBC affiliate, and arranging a meeting between Tom and David Sarnoff with President Dwight David Eisenhower 03:59 Leonard H. GoldensonView Interview Leonard H. Goldenson on a photo with Dwight D. Eisenhower and his wife 01:26 Julian GoodmanView Interview Julian Goodman on the first Presidential News Conference in 1955 05:04 Julian Goodman on Eisenhower's speech during the nomination of Barry Goldwater at the '64 Republican convention 02:19 Sig MickelsonView Interview Sig Mickelson on CBS News' relationship with Dwight D. Eisenhower and press secretary James Hagerty 03:01 Thomas W. MooreView Interview Thomas W. Moore on ABC covering the 1952 conventions, and on how presidents starting with Dwight D. Eisenhower took to television 07:55 Robert MottView Interview Robert Mott on working on I Like Ike, a tribute to President Dwight D. Eisenhower 04:14 Bill MoyersView Interview Bill Moyers on the very beginning of the Vietnam conflict 00:32 Garry SimpsonView Interview Garry Simpson on covering President Eisenhower 00:51